An easy to use make alternative

Speedy PM2 alternative written in rust

Terminal-based text editor with tree-sitter

barebones http scripting server

A simple library for logging

Sail your configuration files

Launcher for that hypixel overlay

PM2 panel designed for elegance and ease

A modern runtime for javascript

PaperMC plugin that provides a RESTful API for Minecraft

Feature flag manager for your apps
— a0 - generate structs and their values from data— blaze - blazing fast http framework— dare - daring flexible data representation— mkcss - tailwindish css utility— mini-tokio - basic asynchronous rust executor— macros_rs - simple and useful rust macros— vendor - create your package manager— panic - humanized panic message wrapper— pretty_number - numbers to cooler word— tokio-wrap - run asynchronous code within sync— pat - tap single values in place— pawd - process analysis & watcher daemon— global_placeholders - magic rust placeholders— routekey - url shortener service for high school— ip_echo - mini ip geolocation viewer